Health & Safety Policy Statement

The Directors and Managers of Foundation Developments Limited (FDL) understand the need for the promotion of sound health and safety principles in all activities, and the benefits they bring to the long-term growth and success of the business. It is recognised that by being committed to ongoing health and safety improvements our moral and legal obligations will be achieved, both today and in the future. To facilitate this, it has been integrated into the company’s operational procedures.

FDL are committed to the following broad objectives:

  • Complying fully with relevant laws and regulations and taking any additional measures considered appropriate to meet Company & ISO 45001:2018 standard.
  • Preventing injury and reducing risk to the health, safety and welfare of employees, clients, contractors and the general public as far as reasonably practical.
  • Raising the awareness and competence of all staff through safety training facilitated through a comprehensive safety training matrix and plan.
  • Monitoring the performance of the operating companies against objectives which are set on an annual basis with a goal of continuous improvement.
  • Ensuring employee participation and consultation as vital aspects of the policy. All have a duty and are expected to contribute ideas and participate in the consultation process to ensure the maintenance of safe practices.
  • Promoting the interchange of health and safety information throughout the company.
  • Reviewing this policy in conjunction with Directors and Management annually to ensure it remains relevant and compliant.
  • Ensuring that adequate resources are available for arranging, providing and maintaining healthy working conditions and safe systems of work. (Specific details of the organisation, responsibilities related thereto and arrangements for health and safety within FDL addressed within the Company Procedures).
  • Communicating our health and safety policy and requirements to our contractors. Advanced audits may be carried out of the working environment of contractors and design consultants to improve the vetting of our contractors and consultants.
  • Health and Safety shall never be compromised for other objectives.

This policy statement shall be reviewed at least annually by all interested parties and shall be communicated and made available to employees and any other interested parties upon request. The policy is to be briefed to all employees during induction and following review.


P Hickey

Managing Director

Date: July 2023